Sunday, September 19, 2010

Center of Attention

Lizzy likes attention. Sometimes she acts like she doesn't like to be the center of attention, but deep down, she craves it and will do just about anything for a laugh, and to grab everyone's attention. Here's just one example: 

Today, we were at a baptism (Brad and I have a new godson!). The baptism was done after mass, so it was a small group of people gathered at the baptismal font. Lizzy and a couple other little girls were watching the Deacon and the baby pretty intently, and leaning on (and climbing on) the baptismal font the whole time. I was watching the baptism with one eye and had the other eye on Lizzy. I was just waiting for her to dive into the water. She wasn't quite that disruptive, but she did put her hands in the water, then make the sign of the cross on herself (impressive...maybe she does actually pay attention in church!)....she also managed to get her foot in the water (don't worry..the socks and shoes had been ditched long before that moment) I kind of thought, and hoped, no one else noticed. I was wrong. The baby's grandma brought it up later. I was so embarassed, but she laughed, and said she too was expecting Lizzy to go in head first, not feet first. I told her if ever there was a child who needed a little extra blessing, it is Lizzy. I'm hoping that holy water she got on her foot does some good....but I'm afraid it may have been cancelled out by the Ranch dressing she managed to get on her foot at lunch!

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