Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Fingerpainting with Lizzy

The artist hard at work
Clearly, I've lost my mind. Had I been in my right mind, I never would have allowed this to happen. But, lucky for Lizzy... I lost my mind years ago.

Today, Lizzy fingerpainted. Amazingly, my carpet is ok, she wore the paint shirt (for most of the project...for the last one she decided to do naked fingerpainting.. I didn't take any pictures of that).

Watching Lizzy create her masterpieces was pure entertainment. Here's a brief glimpse into our fingerpainting session:

For Shane - it's a dude in a boat on a lake, obviously
For Sheena - it's a painting of Sheena
This is Jesse, for Jesse, of course


  1. You're on the painting schedule for tomorrow Chrissy!!! I didn't get one either, if that makes you feel better!
