Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Hannah Montana

Lizzy has been watching old episodes of 'Hannah Montana" on Netflix.

I'm thinking she may have watched too many episodes.

Lizzy: "What are you cooking Mom?"
Me: "I'm making some granola bars."
Lizzy: "Oh, my thought you were making lunch. We already ate lunch."
Me: "So did I. I went out for lunch with a friend while you were eating lunch at daycare."
Lizzy: "Mama-who-never-eats-lunch-say-what?"

Yep, too much Hannah Montana!

And Ed

Lizzy, while playing with Adam's puppy: "Do you know Charley?"
Adam: "Nope. I don't think so."
Lizzy: "Do you know Madonna?"
Adam: "Yep, she's my aunt."
Lizzy: "Well Madonna has Charley. And Ed."

Charley is Madonna's dog.
Ed is Madonna's husband.
In Lizzy's mind, I guess dogs and husbands are one in the same :)

Monday, March 26, 2012

Best Doodie Ever

For the past year, Lizzy has called Chrissy her "doodie".

I have no idea why.

It's just their "thing".

Today, she had me text Chrissy the following:

"You are the best doodie ever. You and Shane."

Me: "Why can't I be the best doodie ever?"
Lizzy: "You don't have 82 dogs. You must have 82 dogs to be the best doodie ever."

FYI - Chrissy and Shane do not have 82 dogs. That's just Lizzy's favorite number... it comes right after 16 when she counts.

My heart

Lizzy: "Does this look good?"
Morgan: "No!"

Lizzy: "Wow Morgan. Thanks a lot. That does nothing for my heart."

Sunday, March 25, 2012

Little Girl

Me, while braiding Lizzy's hair: "You know I don't like you hair in braids. It makes you look like you're six."
Lizzy: "So what? I'll always be your little girl, even when I'm 6, and 7, and 8, and even when I'm 82!"

Pixi Sticks

Lizzy and Morgan got up way too early yesterday. I started a movie for them, and then went back to sleep.

When I got up about a half an hour later, they were eating pixi sticks and watching a movie.

Me: "Pixi sticks for breakfast?"
Lizzy: "What do you expect? You weren't here to cook."

I probably won't get mom of the year.


Lexi: "Lizzy can I have a french fry?"
Lizzy: 'Sure. But sorry if there is hair on it. Don't worry though. If there is, it's not mine, it's my Barbie's hair."

The Perfect Mom

Lizzy, to me after she saw me twirling my hair on my finger: "Wow. You really are the perfect mom for me for I do that all the time!"

Thursday, March 22, 2012


Michelle: "What color are your toenails?"
Lizzy: "Blue."
Jay: "They match the flower in your hair."
Lizzy: "My planned that."
Michelle: "Very nice."
Lizzy: "They match your necklace."
Michelle, handing Lizzy her necklace: "Here Lizzy, you can have it."
Lizzy: "No, that spells beer."
Michelle: "So you can't wear it?"
Lizzy: "Nope."

This is the "beer" necklace.

The Floor

Me, after Lizzy wiped out on the kitchen floor: "Are you ok? Where did you get hurt?
Lizzy, sobbing: "The kitchen floor!"

*** When I asked where she got hurt, I meant where on her body! It was her head, by the way, and she's totally fine!

A Real Waitress

Lizzy, checking herself out in the mirror after putting a necklace on: "There. Now I look just like a real waitress!"

"And he's old!"

Lizzy, arguing why she should be allowed to sit on the highest bleacher: "But Grandpa is up there. And he's old!"

Thursday, March 15, 2012

"My People"

Brad's brother Scott is in town tonight.

Lizzy was shocked and super excited when he showed up at our house.

A few minutes later, when Uncle Mat surprised her, she was beside herself:

"Wow! This is amazing! Two of my people are here!"

Cheering Lizzy

The following videos have left me speechless.

I am posting them for my sister's benefit.

I hope she enjoys them.

It will likely be the last time you see one of my daughter's with pom poms.

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Girl Time

After her bath tonight (and after Morgan went to bed!) Lizzy asked me to braid her hair ("so it's curly tomorrow") and paint her nails.

We had quite the little beauty salon set up.

And, like any beauty salon, we got in some great gossiping.

But my favorite line of the evening was this:

Lizzy: "This is so exciting! All my dreams are coming true! I will have curly hair and beautiful, sparkely nails!"

The Greatest Day

Lizzy, after playing with my friend's daughter while we waited for the kids to get out of school: "Wow, this is the greatest day ever. It can't even get any better."
Me: "What's so great about it?"
Lizzy: "I just loved waiting for Jakey. And my got a new best friend! I wish we could wait for Jakey longer!"

Car Wash

The girls and I took the van through a much needed car wash this afternoon.

I had no idea Lizzy enjoyed car washes so much!

Trading Seats

Lizzy, while fighting with Jake on the way to school: "Jake, I wish you were sitting where I am and I was sitting back there where you are."
Jake: "Why?"
Lizzy: "Because then I could kick your seat!"

Monday, March 12, 2012


Lizzy, after giving Brad a big hug: "I'm so lucky to have a dad like him."
Me: "Oh, you're sweet. Why do you think you're lucky?"
Lizzy: "Because my dad is awesome! And you. You are a little awesome too."


Lizzy, while filling an imaginary platter with imaginary treats: "All treats. Activated. Beep."
Me: "Are we in the future?"
Lizzy: "Nope. We're in Hawaii."

"Right Here"

Lizzy, talking to me on the phone: "Dad is in the garage."
Me:  "Um, ok. Where are you?"
Lizzy: "I'm right here!"

"My Type"

Lizzy: "When I was playing on the playground after church, there was this boy who just kept staring at me. I think must have had a crush on me."
Me: "Really? Who was it?"
Lizzy: "I don't know. But I don't like him. He's not my type."
Me: "What's your type?"

Lizzy: "Well this boy had black hair. My type is shiny hair."

Saturday, March 10, 2012

Tough Life

Lizzy, upon coming in from the garage (where Brad is hosting poker and watching the Class A tournaments) and realizing I'm also watching the tournaments: "What? Everywhere I go there is basketball. Ugh. This is a tough life I have."

Thursday, March 8, 2012

Not You

Lizzy: "Mom, today at daycare we played Barbies, ate snack and played outside."
Me: "That sounds fun."
Lizzy: "Yep, it was. What did you do today?"
Me: "Um, I edited some video, sat through a boring meeting, and then did some more editing."
Lizzy: "Wow, my am finally glad I'm not you. Usually I my want to be you, but now I'm glad I'm me."

Me: "Why would you want to be me?"
Lizzy: "I just want to cook supper. Face it. When you're four, that is not gonna happen."

Kinda Cute

Lizzy, while Morgan was napping: "Oh, she's so cute. Isn't she Mom? Don't you think she's kinda cute when she's sleeping... and not annoying?"

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

"Gonna Get Ugly"

Lizzy, while I was picking on her: "Mom, if you do that one more time, things are gonna get ugly."

Snow White

Lizzy: "Mom, can I ask you a question?"
Me: "Sure."
Lizzy: "Did you just put on a wig like Snow White one day and never take it off?"

Um, ok... do you think this means she thinks I'm pretty like a princess?!!?!

Monday, March 5, 2012

A Moment

Lizzy and I were standing in the middle of the mall, visiting with Sheena and her girls while Lexi and Chrissy went into a store.

Out of nowhere, this became our conversation:

Lizzy, looking at me and pointing to a nearby bench: "Mom, can we have a moment?"
Me: "Um sure."
Lizzy, when we far enough away that she figured Sheena couldn't hear: "Why are we just standing here talking to them?"
Me: "We're waiting for Lexi and Chrissy, they're waiting for Jesse. We're just visiting."

Lizzy, as she skipped back to her cousins: "Oh. Ok. Well it is better than just talking to you."

Thursday, March 1, 2012

Zero Trees

Lizzy, while telling me about her afternoon of sledding: "And guess what? Guess how many trees I ran into? Zero!"

For the Fans

Lizzy: "Mom, did you write any Lizzy-isms today?"
Me: "Um, I thought you didn't want me to write them anymore."
Lizzy: "Well, my don't, but my want fans and the only way to have fans is to have Lizzy-isms. So write away mama!"

Name Tags

Lizzy made name tags for everyone this morning.

Here's mine:

And here's the conversation Lizzy and Jake had when she gave him his name tag:

Lizzy: "Here you go Jakey."
Jake: "Um, thanks, but I'm good."
Lizzy: "No. You need it. Put it in your pocket. What if you meet a new guy today? You need to have a name tag."

Because he's a very good big brother, Jake put the nametag in his pocket, just as he was instructed.

But I really hope he doesn't need that nametag today - Lizzy doesn't know how to write Jake's name, so she just colored a big black circle on Jake's nametag!