Thursday, December 29, 2011

Skittle Pie

Loyal Lizzy-ism readers - this is the post you've been waiting for!

Let me refresh your memories with this post from September 30, 2010:

Morgan and I walked to the mailbox this afternoon. Lizzy was waiting in the driveway when we got back. Here's the conversation that followed:

Me: "Hello Lizzy!"
Lizzy: "My not Lizzy."
Me: "Who are you then? Lexi?"
Lizzy: "No me Lexi."
Me: "Hello, Jakey."
Lizzy: "No me Jakey."
Me: "Hello Bob."
Lizzy: "No me Bob."
Me: "Well who are you then, little girl?"
Lizzy: "My am Emily O!" (Emily O. is a friend of Lexi's)

Me: "Well hello Emily O!"
Lizzy: "Hello Emily O's mom. You making a pie. A Skittle pie. A sour Skittle pie."

Memo to self... get sour Skittle pie recipe from Emily O's mom.

Today, Emily O. and her mom came through. Big time. As I was cooking supper, the doorbell rang. It was Emily, her mom and her brother, delivering the most beautiful Skittle pie I've ever seen. Okay, so it was also the only Skittle pie I've ever seen, but it was still a thing of beauty. Check it out:
Just a few minutes ago, we finally sat down to taste the Skittle pie Lizzy has been dreaming about for over a year. She was nice enough to share with Lexi and Tess. They decided not to cut it, for fear of ruining the pie's beautifulness.

As for the pie's taste, well, let's just say that left a little to be desired:

Lizzy, after eating a couple of bites: "Eww.. my have to spit this out."
Lizzy, after running to the garbage can and spitting out the Skittle pie: "Wow. My am never eating that again. Because when I ate that one piece where the Skittles were, that was nasty!"

No worries though, Em and family - she is thrilled that you delievered a homemade pie. It really is the thought that counts.

But now what will I tease you about?

Lizzy, Emily O., and the most beautiful Skittle pie ever.
First taste of the Skittle pie!
Lizzy the food critic :-)

Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Llama Llama Strikes Again

As always, Morgan and I read a few "Llama Llama" books tonight.

And, as always, Lizzy climbed onto the couch for the last few pages.

When we got to this page, things got interesting:

Me, reading: "Llama Llama MISSES MAMA!"
Me, turning to Lizzy: "Lizzy, will that be you next year when you're at kindergarten? Will you miss Mama?"
Lizzy, rolling her eyes: "Um, no way."


Monday, December 26, 2011


Lizzy and Grandpa were playing with a cat (named Lizzy).
Grandpa got sidetracked hanging a picture.
The kitty ran away, but Lizzy quickly caught her, and just as quickly, scolded Grandpa:

"Grandpa! Focus on the kitty!"

Friday, December 23, 2011

"You Know What"

Lizzy: "So, is tomorrow 'you know what'?"
Jake: "What do you mean?"
Lizzy: "You know... you know what."

FYI - "You know what" is Christmas!

Barbie Talk

Lizzy and Chrissy were playing Barbies.
Here is part of the conversation I caught:

Lizzy's beautiful brunette Barbie:  "We should go on a date."
Chrissy's Ken doll: "Sure. Do you want to go to McDonald's?"
Lizzy's Barbie: "Um, how about Ground Round? Just let me change my clothes."
Chrissy's Ken doll: "You don't need to change. I think you look beautiful."

Lizzy: "No, my have a dress that is even more beautiful. Hold on."

Lizzy's Barbie disappears to go change clothes.

Another Barbie pops out from around the corner.

Chrissy's Ken doll: "Wow. You look different. Like a different person."
Lizzy's new, psycho Barbie: "You do NOT date my sister! You date me DUDE!"

The psycho sister

The Dude

The Good Sister

"Blah blah blah"

Lizzy and Jorja were fighting over a Barbie.

Madonna: "Lizzy, can you share with her?"
Brad, whispering: "Santa is still watching you."

Lizzy handed over the Barbie.

Brad: "That was very nice of you. Thank you."
Lizzy in her brattiest voice: "Yeah, yeah, yeah. Blah, blah, blah."

Thursday, December 22, 2011


Driving home after dropping Lexi off at the Y tonight, the little girls and I stumbled upon some great nativity scenes.

Lizzy was super excited.

Morgan, not so much... she fell asleep.

But Lizzy wasn't going to let a sleepy sister keep her from checking out baby Jesus. She ran up to this one, hoping and wishing it would be a real baby in the manger. She was a little disappointed when she realized it was just a doll, but she still  thought it was "amazing." 

Our next stop was at a living nativity. Yep, real live animals and people. Lizzy loved the donkey and the sheep, and one of the volunteers even offered to let her try on the angel costume. She was quick to reply "My am not an angel."

Lizzy has informed the rest of the family that they "totally" missed out tonight, and plans to take them to see what she saw tonight.

She also saw a house that is decorated to the max with Christmas lights. It's a house we drive by nearly everyday, but apparently she never noticed it before. Here was our conversation as we approached the house:

Me: "Lizzy, check out this house. I know we see it a lot, but it's really cool."
Lizzy: "Whoa! Smack me with a pickle.. that is amazing!"

We'll be taking the family by that house on our tour tomorrow too :)

Wednesday, December 21, 2011


This Lizzy-ism needs a little set-up:

When we pick Lexi up from school, we don't even attempt to get in the snake dance that is the parents picking up their kids at Wachter Middle School. I made that mistake once. Never again. Instead, we park in a friend's driveway. She lives across the street from the school, and while it's a bit of hike from the front doors of the school to Ma's house, it is better than the snake dance. A few times a week, Lizzy likes to run into Ma's house just to say hi and how much she loves her. Ma is the sweetest lady (worked with Brad for years, just retired this fall) and loves Lizzy's quick little visits.

Ok, thats the back story. Now here's the Lizzy-ism:

Lizzy got a treat at the gas station today: one of those cleverly packaged candy things, that's basically just straight sugar. I tried to discourage her, but there was no changing her mind, so I wrote it off as a battle I didn't really need to win.

A little bit later, while we waited in Ma's driveway for Lexi, Lizzy decided she better check on Ma and give her a hug. She ran into the house, visited for a few minutes, then came running back out to the van with a puzzled look on her face.

Me: "How's Ma today?"
Lizzy: "She's great. But silly too."
Me: "Why silly?"
Lizzy: "Her offered me sugar! Don't worry though. My told her I have plenty of sugar in my van so she should just keep her sugar."

FYI - Lizzy did not nap today, and was up very late. A sign of too much sugar!!!

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

No Love

Morgan had her two year old check up today.

Lizzy tagged along, and was more than happy to go to the doctor for someone else's problem. But, she was sure to let our family doctor know what she thinks of him:

Lizzy, looking up from the picture she was drawing: "Well, my do still hate you."

This is why I love our family doctor: his response, while laughing = "Oh, Lizzy. Someday when I write my memoirs, you'll be page 206."

Monday, December 19, 2011

Autograph Session

Last week Lizzy asked me to delete all the Lizzy-isms.

You may remember, I asked for your help in convincing her to let me continue. Thanks for all the comments - I think I've got her blessing, for now anyway.

Lizzy and I had a nice conversation about how famous she is, how much people enjoy reading about her, and how she makes people smile. One comment made a very big impression on her:

Dawn Kopp wrote: "I love them! She is very wise...please don't delete them. Plus, she's famous. Maybe that will help. Maybe, you could stage a meeting with one of her fans who ask for her autograph. I'd love Lizzy's autograph!"

I read this to Lizzy, and she got very excited.
Lizzy: "What? You mean I have a fan? Like Hannah Montana? Wow."
Me: "Yep. I guess you do. Would you like to stop by her office and give her an autograph?"
Lizzy: "Sure. But what will my say?"

Me: "I don't know. Let's practice. Maybe something like 'Hi. I'm Lizzy."
Lizzy: "Ok. Like 'Hi. My name is Lizzy. My heard you wanted my autograph.'"
Me: "That would be perfect."

We drove downtown, surprised Dawn at her office, and then Lizzy's stage fright set in.

She didn't say a word.

But she did manage to give her autograph, and pose for a picture:
Autograph Session
The autograph!

Fan pictures... just like Hannah Montana!
Thanks Dawn, for being such a great sport!

And to all of you, thanks for helping me convince Lizzy the Lizzy-isms need to continue :)


Lizzy: "Wow. It's cold outside. I'm freezing my buttocks off. Wait, Mom.. what are my buttocks?"

Thursday, December 15, 2011


Lizzy has suddenly become very aware of this blog.

Here are her instructions to me:

"Go online and delete the whole Lizzy-ism site. Tell everyone you're sorry, but there will be no more Lizzy-isms. Ever."

Should I stop?

If not, why should I keep writing them?

Help me out here.. i need some good, solid reasons so I can win the fight with Miss Lizzy!


Lizzy, while snooping in the fridge at daycare: "Donna! Is that Christmas cream?"

Christmas cream = eggnog (in a very festive carton)


I made beef ribs for supper a few nights ago.

I wasn't sure what the kids would think. Turns out, Jake and Lizzy love ribs.

Especially Lizzy:

Lizzy, between bites: "Mom. These are soooo good. Can we have them again the time after tomorrow?"

Then tonight, out of the blue:
Lizzy: "Mom, tomorrow can we have cow for supper?"
Me: "Um, you mean like a burger?"
Lizzy: "No. Like those things you  made the other day. I loved them. Can we have cow again tomorrow?"

Monday, December 12, 2011

"I don't want to talk about it."

Me, as I tucked Lizzy into bed: "Did you have a good day today?"
Lizzy: "I don't want to talk about it."
Me: "Why? Was it bad?"
Lizzy: "No. It was a great day. I just don't want to talk about it."

What's Cookin'?

Sunday, December 11, 2011

How to Embarass Lexi

Lizzy, while eating breakfast this morning: "Hey Mom. I know how you can really embarass Lexi if you want to."
Me: "How?"
Lizzy: "Just walk into her school and kiss her in front of all her friends. She would die! It would be so funny!"
Me: "Would that embarass you or could I do that when you're in kindergarten?"
Lizzy: "Um, no way. That would be soooo embarassing!"

A Towel

Lizzy, walking out of the bathroom at a friend’s house, shaking her hands: “Um, usually people have towels in their bathrooms.”

A Keeper

Me: “Morgan is sleeping in her coat again.”
Lizzy; “Why?”
Me: “Because she fell asleep on the way home and I just put her in her bed.”
Lizzy: “Who?”
Me: “Your sister, Morgan. She’s about this tall, blonde hair, do you know her?
LIzzy: “Well, yes. She is my baby sister.”
Me: “Do you like her? Should we keep her?”
Lizzy: “Um… sure. Why not.”

Go Get a Mocha

Me: “Lizzy, you can’t run outside without us. I was worried about you.”
Lizzy: ‘Oh. Huh. I thought maybe you and Morgan would say ‘Whew she’s gone. Let’s go get a mocha'.”

Monday, December 5, 2011

Farting Van

Driving on a two lane highway this afternoon, I wandered across the center line for a second. The rumble strips did their job - they got my attention and Lizzy's too:

Lizzy: "Wow. What was that noise? Did the van just fart?"

Sunday, December 4, 2011

Barbie Love

Lizzy spent several hours this afternoon playing Barbies.

By herself.

I was so impressed with her ability to keep herself busy, without the television on, that I decided to compliment her.

Me: "Lizzy, you're doing such a great job of playing by yourself."
Lizzy: "Well, my just discovered that my do really love Barbies!'

Later, when I tucked her into bed, I found her Barbies all lined up beside her bed, tucked in and "sleeping".

Me: "Oh look, the Barbies are all in bed sleeping already."
Lizzy: "Yep. My tucked them in. And wow...they were crabby! You know how our last name is Kerzman?"
Me: "Is that their last name too?"
Lizzy: "Nope. They are named Heupel. And that's a real dolphin, not a stuffed animal. They have cool pets.'

Saturday, December 3, 2011

The Cutest Thing

Lizzy: "Mom! The cutest thing just happened!"
Me: "What?"
Lizzy: "It was Morgan. Her hugged me! It was so cute!"

Monday, November 28, 2011


Check out Morgan's pajamas:

As I was getting the girls ready for bed, we talked about what Morgan's pajamas said:

Me: "Morgan's pajamas are funny. They say 'I'll be good for a cookie (or two)'."
Lizzy: "I would be good for a cookie. For cookies make me calmer."


Me: "Lizzy, you need to settle down. I only have this much (holding my fingers about an inch apart) patience left."
Lizzy: "Well, you see me, all the way from my toes to my head? That's how much patience my have left."

Love You This Much

Lizzy: "Mom, my love you all the way to  Minnesota, then to Hawaii, then to the moon, and then to our house."
Me: "I love you more."
Lizzy: "Like you love me to South Dakota, then to Mars, then to our house?"
Me: "Yep."
Lizzy: "Well, my love you that much, plus to Minnesota and the moon."

Night and Day

Lizzy, as she tried to fall asleep last night: "Mom, when it's night time in our world, is it morning time in Chrissy's world?"
Me: "No honey, it's night time in her world too."
Lizzy: "But she lives sooooo far away!"

*Note: Chrissy lives in Alexandria, Minnesota, which is only about five hours away from us. But when you're four, anything more than 10 minutes away seems like a bazillion miles away I guess!

Sunday, November 27, 2011

Happy Thanksgiving

Lizzy, as we sat down for Thanksgiving dinner: "Um, why do we have two forks?"
Jake: "One for each hand!"

Lizzy, when I told that story to someone today: "Now that is what I call a Jake-ism!"


Lizzy, when she walked into the living room and noticed the Christmas tree was up and ready to be decorated:
"Wow! It is beautiful!"

Movie Time

Lexi: "Mom, Hannah just texted and asked if I wanted to go to the movie with her."
Me: "What movie?"
Lexi: "Twillight."
Lizzy: "Toilet? What kind of a movie is that?!?!?!"

Monday, November 21, 2011

Princess Diaries

Lexi: "Hey Lizzy, do you want to watch the movie "Princess Diaries" with me?"
Lizzy: "What is that about? Princesses with diarrhea?"

Beautiful Smell

Lizzy, while snuggling very close to me: "Wow! What is that beautiful smell?"
Me: "Um, my gum?"
Lizzy: "Well it smells beautiful!"

Translation, for those of you who don't speak Lizzy: "May I have a piece of gum?"

Sunday, November 20, 2011

Never Soup

Lizzy, while eating a bowl of knoephla soup: "This is so good. We should have this never soup everyday."
Jake: "What kind of soup?"
Lizzy: "Never soup... or whatever. You know what my mean."

Saturday, November 19, 2011


Jake's buddy has a dog named Izzy.
Apparently Lizzy didn't know this until a few days ago, when we drove by their house and noticed Izzy in the backyard:

Me: "Hey, there's Izzy!"
Lizzy: "What? What are you talking about?"
Me: "Kaleb's dog. Her name is Izzy. She's right there."
Lizzy: "Oh. Well, if his dog is named Izzy then from now on my want to be called Elizabeth. For I don't want anyone to think I'm Kaleb's dog."

No Pictures Please

I am a bad mom.

I am doing what I promised I wouldn't, but it was too classic not to share.

Me: "Lizzy, can I please take a picture of you?"
Lizzy: "Why?"

Me: "Because I think you look pretty today."
Lizzy: "Ok. But do NOT put it on an 'izzy-ism' on the internet!"

I won't post the picture here, but the picture was needed to prove my point in a previous post about matching clothes......

A Match

Me as Lizzy picked out an outrageous outfit this morning: "Lizzy, that doesn't match."
Lizzy: "Ugh. Why do we even have to match?"

I had no answer, so this is what she wore to Jake's game (plus sparkly gold shoes):

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Christmas List

Lizzy: "Mom, do you know what I want for Christmas? It's only one thing."
Me thinking my shopping will be a little easier: "What is it?"
Lizzy: "A zillion dollars!"


I had lunch with a friend today, and brought home the leftovers.

When we got home, I asked Lizzy to go let Bob out and give him the food.

She looked at the box which contained a half of a hamburger and fries, and said "Um, I am still hungry. I will eat it. But, I know Bob loves fries, so I'll just eat one and he can have the rest."

Bad Day

We had a rough time leaving the house this morning.
Lizzy was convinced she should wear a summer dress.
I finally gave up, went to the garage and got ready to leave while she sat in her room, in a summer dress, screaming and crying.
I finally got her in the van and as I dropped off kids at their respective schools, she continued to pout and whine.
When we got to daycare, I took Morgan in and she continued to pout in the van.
About five minutes later I went back to check on her. She had finally given in and put on leggings, her coat and a hat. She was struggling with her socks.

Lizzy: "Ugh. I can't get my socks on."
Me: "I can help. But you need to fix your attitude before you go inside to daycare."
Lizzy: "My can't. My am just having a bad day."

Later, she got in trouble at daycare. Her apology to Madonna:

"My am so sorry, Donna. I'm just having a bad day."

Turkey Talk

These pinecone turkeys were this morning's daycare project, and the topic of conversation on our drive home this afternoon:

Lizzy, from the backseat of the van: "Mom, aren't you going to ask me about my day?"
Me: "Oh sure... how was your day?"
Lizzy: "It was great... we played a game, and we made those turkeys. Where are our turkeys?"
Me, putting the turkeys on the dash, so she could see them: "Right here. They're so cute. I remember Lexi and Jake making turkeys like this when they were your age."
Lizzy, frustrated: "Ok, now stop. Let's get back to talking about look on the bottom, do you see our names?"
Me: "Yep. You did a great job of writing your name, Lizzy."
Lizzy: "Ok, now put them really close together, like sisters, like me and Morgan.. so they can fight, like me and Morgan."

I love this picture.. it looks like "Morgan" is giving "Lizzy" the stink eye!

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Not Ready

Lizzy, as she looked out the window at the snow this morning: "We are NOT ready for snow....but... it is kind of cool..."

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Time Change

A week into this time change, and we're still not used to it.
This was Lizzy's question this morning, as we got ready to leave the house by 7:15:

"Why do we have to leave when it's night out?"

I didn't have the heart to tell her it will be "night out" when we get home this evening too.

Monday, November 14, 2011

Bedtime Nightmare, Part Two

I'm sitting in bed, with one eye on the football game and the other eye on the girls doorway. Morgan has been stacking blocks in front of the door for a few minutes. I should send her back to bed, but she's in her room at least. Lizzy has been quiet for awhile, so I assume she finally fell asleep.

I was wrong.

Lizzy pushes past Morgan and her block tower to come into my room.

Me: "What are you doing? You need to be in your bed."
Lizzy: "I'm coming to say I'm sorry."

Me: "I forgive you. But you do need to go to bed. We have to get up early tomorrow."
Lizzy, hugging me: "I know. But this is just a tough day."

Me: "What's tough about it?"
Lizzy: "It's just hard having this much family, especially Morgan."

Oh, they are going to be awesome as teenagers........

Bedtime Nightmare

After trying unsuccessfully to get the girls to sleep for more than a half hour, I gave up.

Me: "I'm done. You girls can lay here together and put each other to sleep."
Lizzy, giggling: "Okay."
Me: "I'm serious. The first one to get out of bed gets a spanking."

Lizzy, whispering to Morgan as I walked out of the room: "Hey Morgan.. I dare you to go find Mom."

Any questions as to who the instigator is?

Bad News

Bob's mom, Megan, went to Dog Heaven today.
Lizzy decided she would break the news to Bob.
So, she got right in his face and told him what had happened.
Then she jumped up and exclaimed: "I think I see tears. He sure misses his mama."

Sunday, November 13, 2011

Speaking of....

Lizzy and I were reading a new book tonight, called "If I could keep you little..."
It's a sweet book about how a mom doesn't want her baby to grow up.
When we finished reading, Lizzy shared her thoughts:

Lizzy: "Ok, speaking of growing up, why did I have to get big? Getting big sucks."
Me: "Why do you say that?"
Lizzy, rolling her eyes: "Really? You don't know? My hate my life. Two reasons: Jake and B, Morgan. They don't ever give me anything."

I have no idea what they are supposed to "give" her, and really, Lizzy's life does not "suck". And, if you get a chance, read this book. It's very sweet.

Friday, November 11, 2011

Hunting Time

Lizzy woke up singing this morning. Her song?

"We're going hunting today! It's hunting time! We're going hunting today!"

After birthday cake for breakfast and a kiss for her baby sister, Lizzy quickly got dressed in her hunting clothes. FYI, she picked this particular tutu "for it's black, and kind of boy-ish, just like hunting."

 Check it out:

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

A Walking Lizzy-ism

We met my mom and her friend, Aletha, for lunch today. It was the first time Aletha had met Lizzy, although she is a faithful Lizzy-ism reader.

Aletha, to Lizzy: "This must be the famous Lizzy with all the Lizzy-isms."Me: "We had a bunch of Lizzy-isms while we were waiting for you."
Lizzy: "No. My only had one."
Aletha, laughing: "I think that's another one!"

Mama Lizzy

Lizzy: "I do NOT want to be a mom. Ever."
Me: "Why not?"
Lizzy: "I don't want to have kids."

Me: "Why? I thought you dreamed about being a mom."
Lizzy: "Well, kids just make a mess and don't clean up after themselves. Then moms have to clean up all the time. I don't like to clean. So I don't want to be a mom. Ever."

Tuesday, November 8, 2011


Lizzy and Morgan were fighting while we drove across town this evening. Lexi tried to intervene when Morgan started to cry:

Lexi: "Lizzy! Did you pinch her?"
Lizzy: "No."
Lexi: "Well then why is she crying? I saw your hand by her arm."
Lizzy: "Well, my was trying to tickle her, but apparently..... um, yeah. My pinched her."

"A Break"

I wasn't feeling well yesterday (a quick 12 hour stomach bug) and spent much of the afternoon and evening in bed. Brad had to take over the mom duties. Lizzy was apparently worried about me, as she kept coming in to check on me.

This was just one of our many conversations:

Lizzy: "Mom, are you ok? We are leaving to take Jakey to basketball practice."
Me: "Yep. Sorry I'm sick."
Lizzy: "It's ok, and well, at least you get a break from us."

Sunday, November 6, 2011

"No Worries"

Lizzy, while laying in bed with me, watching tv: "I'm thirsty."
Me: "There's a sippy cup on the kitchen counter. But you can't drink that in my bed."
Lizzy: "Ok."

She left the bedroom, got a drink, and came back a few minutes later.

Lizzy: "It's no worries, Mom. My seen that show a hundred times so my know my didn't miss anything."


When Lexi and Jake get bored at school, they draw on themselves. Most days, they both come home with doodles on their hands or arms.

Today, Lizzy had drawings on the palms of both her hands - a peace sign on one, a smiley face on the other.

Here was her explanation:
"My wanted to be like Lexi and Jake, so my drawed on my hands."

Princess Lizzy

This afternoon, Lizzy, Morgan and I went to the Disney Live Princess show.

I bought the tickets months ago, but didn't tell the girls until this week.
Lizzy was so excited she could hardly stand it... and that excitement, naturally sparked a number of Lizzy-isms.

Princess Lizzy-ism #1:
Lizzy dresses like a princess everyday, but today she went all out. She wore her Cinderella Halloween costume, her Belle dress-up shoes, and even fixed her hair to look like Cinderella's.

Princess Lizzy-ism #2:
New crown!
We had to leave Lexi's basketball game at half time to get to the princess show on time. As we were leaving, Lizzy grabbed my hand and said: "I'm so excited Mom! Are you so excited?"

Princess Lizzy-ism #3:
At intermission, Lizzy stood up and exclaimed: "Mom! That was GREAT!"
She about died when she realized there was more to come!

Princess Lizzy-ism #4:
Our conversation as we were walking to the van after the show:
Lizzy: "My want to see them again."
Me: "Maybe next time they're in town we can go again."
Lizzy: "What?"
Me: "The princesses travel all over, performing that show for people. That would be a fun job, wouldn't it?"
Lizzy: "My could do that. For you and dad always call me your princess."

Saturday, November 5, 2011


Chrissy texted this picture early this morning:
Lizzy's reaction:
"My knowed that was you Tissy, but you do look ridiculous, Dudie!"

Friday, November 4, 2011

"Just To Warn You...."

Lizzy stepped on an old, rusty nail the other day, so we decided to get her kindergarten shots taken care of now, just in case.

Lizzy hates shots.

This was our conversation as we walked into the clinic today:

Lizzy: "My don't want to do this."
Me: "I know."
Lizzy: "I HATE doctors."
Me: "You aren't seeing a doctor. Just nurses."
Lizzy, sobbing/screaming: "Ok, but just to warn you.. this isn't going to be pretty."

Thursday, November 3, 2011

"Love You More"

Our conversation at least twice everyday:

Me: "I love you, Lizzy."
Lizzy: "My love you more."

Starbucks Drive-By

We drive by Starbucks every morning on our way to daycare. Somedays, if we have time and if the drive-through line isn't too long, we'll stop for a treat (coffee for me, cake pops for the girls). Here's our conversation this morning as we drove by:

Lizzy: "Is the line long today Mom?"
Me: "Nope, it isn't too bad."
Lizzy: "Can we stop?"
Me: "Nope. I made my own coffee today."

Lizzy: "But my don't have anything!"
Me: "Um, you have two pieces of string cheese."

Lizzy: "Well, my don't have anything to drink!"

Now there's a thought: Lizzy on coffee.

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Now THAT"S Tired!

You know it's been a long day, when you can't even make it up the stairs.
She slept like this for a half an hour.

Evil One

The conversation in the van as we drove home tonight:

Lizzy: "Morgan! Look at the stars! They are so beautiful!"
Me: "Lizzy! You are evil!"
Lizzy, as she hid her candy from Morgan: "Yep. I'm evil. I hide stuff from Morgan. Do not look over here."

Peas in the Pod

You've heard the expression "Get your poop in a group", right?
Well, Lizzy has a new one.
As we were walking across the school parking lot last night, she was dawdling. 

Me: "Lizzy. Focus. Let's go."
Lizzy: "Ok mom. I will get my peas in the pod."

Sunday, October 30, 2011

Admire vs. Ignore

Lizzy, talking about an older friend who loves to read: "Yep. Her does love books. When my ask her to play with me, she just admires me."
Me: "You mean she ignores you?"
Lizzy: "Yeah. Her admire me."


Me: "Lizzy, how did you get the gate open?"
Lizzy, pointing at her biceps: "You see these? I used my huge muscles."

Saturday, October 29, 2011

The Evil One

Lizzy and Morgan were fighting over a purse.
Lizzy is obviously stronger than Morgan, and eventually ripped the purse out of Morgan's hands.
Morgan cried, Lizzy walked away smugly.

Me: "Lizzy! Why did you do that?"
Lizzy: "Well, you know me. My am the evil one."

No Shoes

Usually I ask Lizzy if she has shoes and a sweatshirt when we leave the house.

This morning, I didn't.

Big mistake.

Lizzy, when we got to CHS for Jake's basketball game: "Uh-oh. We have a problem."
Me: "What?"
Lizzy: "I'm not wearing any shoes!"
Me: "How can you forget shoes?"
Lizzy: "My don't know. My am an idiot."

Sunday, October 23, 2011

Peace and Quiet

The girls and I went out for supper last night. We ended up at Five Guys Burgers and Fries. It was super loud in the restaurant, and that did not go unnoticed:

Lexi: "Wow, it's really loud in here."
Lizzy: "Yeah. You would never want to work here, Mom. For if you did, you would never get any peace and quiet."

Thursday, October 20, 2011

Joke Time

Lizzy: "Why did the apple wrestle the chicken?"
Me: "I have no idea."

Lizzy: "Because he was too fat!"
Lexi, fake laughing: "Good one Lizzy."
Lizzy: "You don't get it do you?"


Lizzy was playing with clay this afternoon. She was getting very frustrated.

Me: "Lizzy, you just have to have patience and it will work."
Lizzy: "Well, look here. My don't have any patience!"

Eventually, she got the clay to do what she wanted.. which was to write the word "mom"!


Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Good News and Bad News

Mary came over to watch the girls tonight so I didn't have to drag them to Lexi's choir concert. They were gone when we got home. When they returned, Lizzy came running to tell me this:

"Mom! I have good news and bad news. The good news is I got a purple cow at Big Boy. The bad news is I didn't even miss you!"

Monday, October 17, 2011

Days of the Week

Lizzy and I were practicing the days of the week:

Me: "Sunday."
Lizzy: "Monday."

Me: "Tuesday."
Lizzy: "Waffle Cone Wednesday!"

Max and Ruby

Lizzy, as we flipped through channels and she saw Max and Ruby: "I just don't understand. They have kids, but no parents. Weird."

I couldn't agree more, Lizzy. 

Where are Max and Ruby's parents????

Sunday, October 16, 2011

Too Much Partying

Lizzy and her partying friends
Lizzy went with Brad to poker last night.

She stumbled into the house at midnight. This was our conversation:

Me: "Hi Lizzy! Where have you been?"
Lizzy: "You know.. at Camryn's. playing school and partying."

This morning, as she struggled to get out of bed:

Me: "Lizzy, it's time to get up for church."
Lizzy: "My can't. I am just too tired from all that partying."

Friday, October 14, 2011


Lizzy and Morgan love to visit the neighbors, Sue and Randy.
Tonight, on our walk around the block, they ran ahead of me and rang the doorbell at Sue and Randy's house.
I got there just in time to hear this:

Lizzy, to Randy: "Um, hi. Can we have some food."
Me, giving Randy horrified, embarassed look: "Lizzy! That is rude!"
Lizzy: "Why? They are the best people on the block."

Randy gave the girls an ice cream sandwich....

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Full Moon

Lizzy, while looking in her dresser for pajamas: "Well, my know my can't wear those moose ones."
Me: "Why not?"
Lizzy: "Because when I wear them, you know... full moon."

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Beer Time

On our way to Kohl's the other night, Lizzy spotted a beer sign in a restaurant window:

"Mom, you can stop there if you need a beer. I'm fine with that."

Lizzy's Life

I am rarely without words.

I like to talk.

I like to write.

But I have no words for these two videos I just found on my phone.

Take a look - and then remember, this is just a very small glimpse into Lizzy's life.

Never a dull moment when Lizzy is around!

"Jesus Loves Me"... Lizzy's Version

When it comes to musical ability, our kids are, for lack of a better term, screwed.

Neither Brad nor I can carry a tune. And despite years of band and piano lessons, I am a huge disappointment to all those teachers who tried so hard.

This video of Lizzy is proof that she is our child - no musical ability at all.  But there's just something about a singing children that makes me smile... whether they can carry a tune, or even know the words.



Lizzy teaching Morgan how to draw.
Lizzy is all about art projects.

She's currently obsessed with drawing and coloring.

Here are some of her most recent "masterpieces":
"This is a pineapple tree like in Hawaii."

"This is to say my am soooo sorry"

This is a peace sign, made out of flowers.

"Those brown things in the ground, those are nightcrawlers."

"Fall is coming Mommy. It's really good because I get to jump in the leaves."

This is a picture of Mom and Lizzy, obviously.

Little Sticks

In a house full of girls, there are just some things I don't bother keeping a secret.

Like tampons.

Apparently, Lizzy has noticed.

Lizzy, after throwing Morgan's diaper in the bathroom garbage: "Well, you do have a lot of wrappers for those little sticks in your garbage!"

Oh "Deer"

Lizzy's reaction after seeing three deer run down a city street and into a backyard south Bismarck a few night's ago: "Ah man. Dad should be here with his gun!"

Lizzy, the next day, when she remembered seeing the deer: "My am really hungry for deer jerky."

Thursday, October 6, 2011

My Little Pony

Every other week, if she's good, Lizzy earns a toy at speech.
They're not big toys, but it's a good incentive.
This week she earned a blow up pony.
She was so proud when she blew it up all by herself.
Lizzy brought the pony with her to run errands this afternoon.

Me: "What is your pony's name?"
Lizzy: "Well, it starts with a 'l' sound. You have to guess."
Me: "Hmm.. is it named Lizzy?"
Lizzy: "Nope."

Me: "Lexi? Lucy? Lazy?"
Lizzy: "Nope, nope, and nope. It ends with a 's' sound."
Me: "Ok... um... is it 'Les'?"
Lizzy: "Nope."
Me: "I'm out of guesses. Just tell me."
Lizzy: "Pony's name is Sheena!"

I know.

That makes perfect sense right?

We're going to be in speech for awhile.....