Wednesday, December 21, 2011


This Lizzy-ism needs a little set-up:

When we pick Lexi up from school, we don't even attempt to get in the snake dance that is the parents picking up their kids at Wachter Middle School. I made that mistake once. Never again. Instead, we park in a friend's driveway. She lives across the street from the school, and while it's a bit of hike from the front doors of the school to Ma's house, it is better than the snake dance. A few times a week, Lizzy likes to run into Ma's house just to say hi and how much she loves her. Ma is the sweetest lady (worked with Brad for years, just retired this fall) and loves Lizzy's quick little visits.

Ok, thats the back story. Now here's the Lizzy-ism:

Lizzy got a treat at the gas station today: one of those cleverly packaged candy things, that's basically just straight sugar. I tried to discourage her, but there was no changing her mind, so I wrote it off as a battle I didn't really need to win.

A little bit later, while we waited in Ma's driveway for Lexi, Lizzy decided she better check on Ma and give her a hug. She ran into the house, visited for a few minutes, then came running back out to the van with a puzzled look on her face.

Me: "How's Ma today?"
Lizzy: "She's great. But silly too."
Me: "Why silly?"
Lizzy: "Her offered me sugar! Don't worry though. My told her I have plenty of sugar in my van so she should just keep her sugar."

FYI - Lizzy did not nap today, and was up very late. A sign of too much sugar!!!

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