Sunday, October 31, 2010

Peace Out

Checker at the grocery store: "Happy Halloween!"
Lizzy: "Yeah, peace out!"

Trick or Treat

Like most kids, Lizzy was pretty excited to go trick or treating tonight. She put her costume on just as I instructed, and even wore socks, like I asked (socks are her least favorite item of clothing). I also asked her to wear tennis shoes, so she could walk a long way and get lots of candy. Instead, she chose these blue high heels from the thrift store.

I tried to get her to change into something more practical. But, she refused. Her reasoning: "But, Mom, it's Halloween. For my have to wear fancy shoes."

She made it about halfway around the block before taking them off and walking in her stocking feet. I went home and got her snow boots, which she was happy to put on. I think her toes may have been a little cold!

She did great trick or treating, but had more fun at home, handing out and eating candy. I have no idea how much candy she ate. I was actually thinking she may be up all night. But, I guess it's true...what goes up, must come down. She is crashed!

"Hello.... my Lizzy!"

The boys are watching football downstars. I was reading in my bedroom when Lizzy stormed in.

Lizzy: "Let's turn on the tv"
Me: "No, I don't really want to watch tv"
Lizzy: "My do want to watch tv."
Me: "Go downstairs and watch tv with the boys."
Lizzy (taking off her hat): "Hello.. my Lizzy! That's boy tv downstairs. My girl!"

Saturday, October 30, 2010

A Big Blanket

Me: "Lizzy, it's kind of cold in here. Go get us a blanket."

Lizzy comes back with a big blanket from Jake's bed and says "This is a huge blanket. For it wll even cover your butt, Mom."

Thursday, October 28, 2010

A Question

I turned up the radio on the drive this morning, because there was a good song on. Apparently I have bad taste in music.

Lizzy: "Mom, my have to ask you a question."
Me, as I reached for the volume so I could hear her: "Sure, what?"
Lizzy: "This is a stupid song. Turn on a different one."

Not really a question, but I got the point.

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Who Farted?

Lizzy and Morgan were playing. Out of nowhere, someone farted. It was super loud. I giggled and said "Who was that?"

Lizzy's response: "You!"

Somebody Needs a Nap

Lizzy was goofing around instead of eating supper tonight. I was a little frustrated, and snapped at her. I believe my exact words were "Eat, Lizzy!". Her response made everyone laugh:

"Wow, somebody needs a nap!"


It is snowing today. And the wind is blowing. A lot. I think something like 50 miles an hour. To me, that is a miserable day, and a day I'd like to spend inside. Not Lizzy.

Lizzy was super excited this morning when she realized there was snow on the ground. She can't wait to make snowmen and snow angels. Nevermind that she doesn't have snow boots or snow pants that fit. As for mittens, this is one of those times I'm really glad she likes to wear mismatched things.... no way were we finding two gloves that matched this morning!

As we were driving to daycare, Lizzy was listing the things she wants to do outside... make snowmen, make snow angels, throw snowballs at Jake. I tried to explain that those are all great ideas, but she doesn't have the right clothes. Her solution:

"Maybe you drop me off at daycare then you skip work and go shopping for snow things for me."
Yes, she is wearing capri pants in the snow!

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Happy Halloween

Lizzy made this bat card at speech yesterday. It's tough to see, but there is "writing" (you may mistake them for scribbles, but trust me, there are words on the wings) Here's her translation:

Happy Halloween. My love my family. My don't love my sister. My love Lexi. My love Jake. My love my mom. My love Daddy. My love my Windsor and  Bob. My do love Morgan Louise. Happy Halloween. From Lizzy for my make this at speech. Happy Halloween.

Via Chrissy

Lizzy-isms have taken on a life of their own. These are from my cousin Chrissy, who spent some time at daycare this morning:

Jorja and Morgan were having breakfast and both also drinking milk. When Jorja noticed that Morgan was using a certain pink and green sippy cup she started screaming. Shane was going to be helpful and since they just started with their meals was going to just swap their cups. But Lizzy had something to say:

"No no no! You can't because Morgan has boobie milk"

Chrissy: "What's your favorite song?"
Lizzy: "All I wanna do-ooo oo oo ooo" (Sugarland)
Chrissy: Cool. Who sings that?"
Lizzy: "My mom."

Too Many Toys

Me: "Lizzy, did you take a nap at daycare today?"
Lizzy: "Nope. My can't fall asleep there for there are so many toys there!"

Monday, October 25, 2010

"My love you"

It was a rough morning at the Kerzman house this morning.

Jake was still mourning the Vikings loss, Lexi was scrambling to finish an assignment, Morgan was just crabby, and I was apparently not doing a good job of hiding my frustration. 

As I buckled Lizzy into her carseat, she reached out, stroked my face, smiled and said "My love you Mom".

Suddenly, the morning was one hundred percent better.

Saturday, October 23, 2010

Out of Sight, Out of Mind

Lizzy and I spent a few days apart from each other - I went to Minneapolis, she went to the farm. So while you may have been missing your daily "Lizzy-isms", know that I was missing them too. But apparently Lizzy wasn't missing me. I tried talking to her on the phone once, but she wasn't too interested:

Me: "Hi baby!"
Lizzy: "Um, maybe my hang up on you."

Brad got the phone from her before she hung up, but she didn't talk to me again, proving, if I'm out of her sight, I am apparently out of her mind as well!

  We are both home now, so the let the Lizzy-isms resume!

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Good Medicine

Lizzy has a little cold and is just starting to get what could end up being a nasty cough. She was having trouble sleeping last night. Brad gave her a cough drop earlier in the evening, but she didn't like the taste and spit it out. Later, she instructed me to get her a glass of water and a cough drop.. "a perfect one, not a spicy one."

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Too Early!

This morning we left the house before the sun was up. Lizzy noticed it was still dark out as we were backing out of the garage. What she said next pretty much echoed the whole family's thoughts about leaving so early:

"What? It still dark out! Maybe we just go back to bed and sleep all day!"

Magic Wand

Lizzy is carrying around a magic wand tonight. Here are two of the spells I've heard her cast:
  • "Some people button up my dress for me or my turn you into a frog!"
  • "Abra Cadabra. Turn Jakey into poop!"

Monday, October 18, 2010

Monday with Lizzy

  •  "You are soooo busted. That what Candace say on Phineas and Ferb." Could this be a sign  that we might watch too much Phineas and Ferb?
  • Lizzy and her speech teacher were coloring candy corn today. Lizzy wanted to color the white part of the candy, but Cindy didn't have a white crayon. Lizzy's solution: "That ok. Maybe my have pink candy corn."
  • Also at speech, while working on "c" words:
Cindy: "I have coffee in my cup. Can you say coffee cup?"
Lizzy: "Where you get coffee?"
Cindy: "I went to Starbucks before work today."
Lizzy: "Where you work?"

Apparently, teaching Lizzy speech is not really work!
  • Lizzy is wearing a skirt and a dress to bed tonight. I finally figured out the reason for the layers..... two layers make her butt "poofy". She just asked me if I like her "poofy butt".
  • After speech today, Cindy told me she should start writing down things kids say and adding them in the newsletter. She said she would have a lot of material from one student in particular. Sorry, Cindy... Lizzy-isms are all mine!

Saturday, October 16, 2010

Too High

Apparently I pushed Lizzy too high on the swing this afternoon. She exclaimed: "That's too high. You give me a wedgie!"

"Ring, ring..."

At the grocery store today, Lizzy picked up a bunch of bananas, put them to her ear like a phone and said (loudly, of course) "Ring, ring...banana phone!"

Friday, October 15, 2010


What a day! We've been so busy, I haven't even had time to update the Lizzy-isms yet today! Without further ado, here are just a few of today's Lizzy-isms:
  • "Mom, something my have to tell you. If you need me, my will be rollerskating." This came out of absolutely nowhere. Lizzy does not own rollerskates. No one in our family rollerskates. I have no idea what she was talking about.
  • Lizzy overheard me talking on the phone with the flute repair man. When I hung up, she asked me what I was talking about. I told her Lexi's flute was now fixed. She didn't understand, no matter how I explained it. Finally, after about five minutes of explaining, she exclaimed, "Oh! Now my gotcha!"
  • We had spaghetti and peas for supper tonight. Lizzy was strangely quiet. I should have known she was up to something. Next thing I knew, she had a pea shoved up her nose. If that's not bad enough, she did a farmer blow to get it out of her nose.. and it flew across the table. Even worse... we had company for supper (just Lexi's friend Taylor, but still company). Still worse, Jake copied her and put two peas in his nose. I'm happy to report there were no trips to the ER. All peas were removed safely.
  • Lizzy bought a harmonica (ok, I bought it for her. Not my smartest move, but I didnt think it was worth making a scene over a $2.49 toy that will soon be "lost"). She dropped it as she got into the van. Apparently "harmonica" is a difficult word to say. Here was our conversation:
 Lizzy: "Mom, get me my musicdoodydo."
  Me: "Get your what?"
Lizzy (pointing at her harmonica): "My... that!"

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Choose Your Battles

Lizzy's footwear of choice today... mismatched socks and Cinderella dress-up shoes. Sometimes it's easier to just go along with her ideas than to argue. If nothing else, this child has taught me to choose my battles, and not to sweat the small stuff, like the mismatched socks...

"You Need a Job"

Lizzy to Brad while they played in the sandbox today:

"Dad, you need a job. Go fill this with water and come right back."

"Hi, my name is Lizzy"

This is Lizzy. She loves to dance, make funny faces, princesses, and she's a pretty good counter too!

Chicken Dance

Lizzy saw her reflection in the stove...and burst out into the chicken dance. Really, who doesn't want to do the chicken dance "just because"?

Sorry about the fuzzy video in the first clip... it's the best dancing though... in the second clip, she realized I had the camera! And yes, she is wearing three ponytails. Don't ask.

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Chicken Noodle Soup

Lizzy, before taking a big bite of chicken noodle soup:
  "This better be good!"

Lizzy, after eating all her chicken noodle soup:
  "Hit me again with some more noodles!"

Tastes like....

Lizzy, while eating a purple, orange and green candy necklace:

Lizzy: "Mom, you have got to try the orange candy!"
Me: "Why? What does it taste like?"
Lizzy: "String."

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

"It's pouring..."

You've heard the childrens song "it's raining, it's pouring", but I bet you've never heard Lizzy's version. Here it is.... keep in mind, she was singing this while she poured water from a water bottle into a sippy cup....

"It's peeing, it's pouring.
 It's peeing, it's peeing, it's peeing!"

Miss Independent

I just watched Lizzy get a drink of water.

I know, not that amazing, but stay with me and you'll see why it's noteworthy.

Lizzy was thirsty but I was busy with Morgan. She rolled her eyes at me, and I calmly told her she's big enough to get herself a drink of water. She stomped into the kitchen (this was quite dramatic, as she was wearing dress-up clickety princess shoes, and wings.. wonder why she didn't just fly?)

Even with her high heels on, she's not tall enough to reach the cups or the faucet. So she dragged a chair over to the counter, climbed on the chair, then onto the counter. She opened the cupboard to get a cup. This is when I realized it's a good thing most of our cups are least four fell to the ground. Lizzy climbed off the counter, off the chair, and picked up the fallen cups. Then she climbed back on the chair, then back onto the counter. Then she spotted a water bottle, which she then decided she needed. So she got that out, set it on the counter, moved her chair over so she could reach the faucet, turned the water on, climbed off the chair to pick up the water bottle (it had fallen onto the floor). At some point she found a bottle of Powerade in the fridge. Next thing I saw, she was pouring that into the water bottle, then adding water to fill it to the top. Finally, she had her drink. She even got the top put on by herself.

What's so amazing about this, is that it took her at least ten minutes to complete this task. I could have done it for her in about one minute. But she is pretty independent, and is quite the problem solver. Yes, she talked to herself the entire time she worked on getting that drink of water, and yes, I wish I would have had a video camera rolling. She didn't know I could see her, which allowed her to be herself and do it her way. And you know what? Her way worked just fine. And I think the high heels and wings maybe helped a little too!

"You and Me Babe"

Lizzy, to no one in particular, on the drive this morning: "It's just you and me babe."

Monday, October 11, 2010

To-Do List

I'm a list person. I always have at least three to-do lists going at a time. Lizzy has apparently seen this. Today she had a notebook and a pencil and wrote down everything we needed to do...

  " you spell that Mom? P-2-F-O--Q-O-T. That right? Check."

Here's another of her lists...
  "Number one - clean toilet"
  "Number two - brush teeth"
  "Number three - wash my butt"
  "Number four - don't laugh at 'butt'"
  "Number five - fart in Jakey's face"

Busy Lizzy

Today at speech, Lizzy's teacher was trying to get her to say a "k" sound. Lizzy wasn't really in the mood. She just wanted to cut and paste paper.

Cindy (speech teacher): "Lizzy, can you say 'c-up' please?"
Lizzy: "No thank you."
Cindy: "Please Lizzy, say 'c-up'".
Lizzy: "No. My can't. My Busy Lizzy."

Sunday, October 10, 2010


In honor of 10-10-10, here is a list of ten Lizzy-isms from the past few days:

  1. Lizzy wore two different shoes to church today, and no one even noticed until we were sitting down in the pew. She wore one blue flip flop and one pink one. Sheena bought her a package of three pairs of socks and gave them to her during mass. Lizzy had to try them on....she layered sock after sock onto her foot, until she was wearing all three pairs. A few people asked if her feet were hot. She didn't answer, but gave them a strange look.
  2. We have a neighbor who loves Halloween, and during the entire month of October, he scares people. Jake and I saw him outside tonight and convinced him to come over and scare Brad. It took some quick thinking, but we got him. As we were all standing outside and laughing about seeing Brad so scared, Lizzy pipes in : "Nice one!"
  3. I had a Diet Coke this afternoon and Lizzy knew it. I should know better than to drink pop in front of her, because she always asks for a drink.  I was doing good at ignoring her pleas this time, until she exclaimed "My really, really thirsty. My might die. Please my have a drink of your pop?"
  4. Lizzy fell asleep early last night, but woke up at about 11:00. She heard Lexi and her friends downstairs, so she sleepwalked down to talk to them. She didn't make any sense, and the girls say they knew she was sleepwalking and sleeptalking, because she was talking quietly.
  5. We were shopping at Wal-Mart today and got all the way to the check out line before Lizzy asked for anything. I said no, but she insisted she needed bubble gum. "Please Mom. My been super really good." She even added the puppy dog eyes. Yup, I bought the bubble gum.
  6. Jake and his buddy were playing on the trampoline. Lizzy begged to play with them but the boys said no. She replied "Ok. Maybe my just go tell Mom you the worst brother ever" and stomped off like a "drunk gypsy" (Jake's words, not mine!)
  7. Lizzy inheirted some new winter coats from Lexi's friend Taylor and her sister. I asked her if I should wash them. Lizzy said "No thanks. My like them. They smell like Taylor Miller." Today, she put one of those coats on and reminded us it smelled like Taylor Miller.
  8. Lizzy would really like to go to the farm and "shoot sparrows with Jakey's b-b gun." When asked how she knew the birds were called sparrows, she replied "My know stuff." 
  9. It's a family tradition to go out for lunch after church on Sundays. Our current favorite place is Buffalo Wild Wings, because kids' meals are $1.99, and kids 12 and under can order off the kids' menu, which means it's a cheap meal! Lizzy gets a little confused everytime we say we're going to "B-dubs"... she now calls Buffalo Wild Wings "Apple-be-dubs".. a combo of Applebees and BWW, obviously.
  10. Today, at "Apple-be-dubs", Lizzy had to go potty. I took her to the bathroom, but of course she wouldn't let me in the stall with her. I heard her lock the door, and this was the conversation that followed:
Lizzy: "Try to get in here, Mom."
Me: "No thanks. I'm ok out here."
Lizzy: "You can't get in anyway. Ha ha. My locked it. Ha."

What made this all even funnier, was that there was a lady standing at the sink during this conversation. I've never seen someone try so hard to fight back laughter.

Now, my sweet Lizzy has finally crashed for the day. She even sleeps with style, on my bed, of course. She is recharging, getting ready for another day full of Lizzy-isms. I can't wait!

"That's Morgan, duh!"

While at Target tonight Lizzy decided to pretend she was the mom and I was the sister. She had her purse on her shoulder, and led the way through the store. In the the plastic tub section, she was bossing me around and caught another shopper's attention. The man asked her if she's the mom and I'm the sister, who is the baby in the cart. Lizzy rolled her eyes, and said "That's Morgan, duh!" and walked away.

Saturday, October 9, 2010

"My dying here"

Driving across town this morning, Lizzy asked me to turn the radio on. I did. A few minutes later, she asked me to shut it off. I did. A few minutes later, she apparently couldn't stand the silence anymore, and instructed me to "Turn on the music. My dying here."

Lizzy's Artwork

Lizzy has always sat in the middle row of the van, right beside Morgan, in her built-in carseat. Until now.

Lizzy has discovered the joys of a booster seat, and the back seat of the van. She insists on sitting in the very back all the time. That's normally not a big deal, unless someone leaves a pen within her reach.  I didn't notice this until well after the fact. It's the front of the glove box in the back row of seats in our van.

Today, Lizzy found a new canvas for her artwork....Lexi's friend Taylor's leg! Thankfully, Taylor thought it was funny. I hope her mom laughs too!

Friday, October 8, 2010

Friday Treat

I hate McDonalds. Honestly, other than the apple pie and diet coke, there's not much on the menu I like. So, I never take my kids there. But today, I caved.

I have the day off and am spending it bonding with Lizzy and Morgan. So far we've been to the Y, watched cartoons, and played toys. As we were driving home from the Y I realized I had no lunch ideas, and as much as I hate McDonalds, I am equally as sick of cooking. So I asked Lizzy if she'd been good. She said yes, so I said we'd get McDonalds. She was so excited, and immediately declared she would be good all the time, so she  could have McDonalds all the time. I explained why that isn't a good idea, and how things like McDonalds should be a "once in awhile treat"... it's too expensive and it will make you fat. Here's the conversation that followed that explanation:

Lizzy: "But my want to be fat like you Mom."
Me: "No, you don't want to be fat, Lizzy."
Lizzy: "Yes my do. For my love you, and you chubby Mom."

Point taken. Time to get serious about this weight-loss business. Maybe I will make a second trip to the Y today....

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Lookin' Good

Lizzy and I had some late night quality time together, and letting her stay up late sure boosted my ego. I was wearing old sweats, a grubby sweatshirt, no makeup and my glasses and told Lizzy I didn't look very nice. She said "Mom, you don't look nice.. you look GORGEOUS!".

Love this kid.

Speech is Everywhere

Seriously, there are speech lessons everywhere, and Lizzy is getting really good at recognizing them. Here's a portion of our conversation/speech lesson on the drive to daycare today:

Lizzy: "Mom, you like my Barbie?"
Me: "Yup, I do."
Lizzy: "Mom, you like my Barbie's butt?"
Me: "Lizzy, put some clothes on that Barbie!"
Lizzy: "Mom, you like my Barbie's butt crack? Hey, 'butt crack'... 'crack' is a speech word!"

Say My Name

Jake was sitting beside Morgan in the van this morning. He got right in her face and said (in a very nice baby-friendly voice) "Jakey. Jakey. Say Jakey". He's hoping since that's how he taught Jorja to say his name, it will work on Morgan too. Nothing would make him happier than for Morgan's next word to be "Jakey".

Not to be outdone, Lizzy yelled from the back of the van, "Jakey, you pretend you Lizzy and teach her to say Lizzy,".

Jake did as he was told and pretended to be Lizzy, but Morgan didn't respond. She just gave him a frightened look.

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

A Message

This morning we were in a bit of a rush. The little girls went to daycare in their pajamas (again). As I was trying to get out the door, I told Lizzy I had to go because Donna Hardt (Lizzy's favorite photographer) was waiting for me. I asked her if she had a message for Donna. Lizzy just smiled, lifted her leg, and ripped a big fart.

I gave Donna the message, but not really with the same effect as Lizzy would have had, or the same odor either!

Later tonight, we were telling Brad the story. Lizzy started laughing, put her hand to her forehead and giggled "what was I thinking?"

"That Happens"

Lizzy wore her favorite dress-up shoes to Target today (one pink princess shoe, one purple one, held together with tape). She loves them because they make a fablous "clicking" noise when she walks.

Lizzy tripped, but caught herself, as we were walking across the parking lot. I asked her if she was ok. She replied yes, and explained that "that happens when you wear high heels, Mom".

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Too Many Babies

Lizzy: "Mom, how you get such a fat butt?"
Me: "What?!?!"

Lizzy: "Oh..... my know... you had too many babies!"

Not Me!

Lizzy has been in trouble a lot lately for trying to carry Morgan around. Morgan is only about ten pounds lighter than Lizzy, so I fear for both of their safety when Lizzy is playing mommy

I told her yesterday if she gets caught carrying Morgan again, she will be grounded. So, when I came out of the bathroom to find Lizzy standing over Morgan in the hallway, I knew something had happened when I wasn't watching.

The conversation that followed went something like this:

Me: "Um, Lizzy, how did Morgan get over there? And why do you look so guilty?"
Lizzy: "No my know."
Me: "Lizzy, did you lift her up?"
Lizzy: "Nope."
Me: "Well, then who did?"
Lizzy: "Some other people."

I'm not buying it. It's just the three of us at home!

Monday, October 4, 2010

Dinner and a Show

I made the mistake of letting the kids leave music on while we ate tonight. Lizzy had a tough time focusing on her food.. she kept wanting to dance! And as you can see, she convinced Morgan to eat and dance too!

"Shush Mom"

Me, to Lizzy as she tried to take a shot of butterscotch ice cream topping: "Lizzy, no!"
Lizzy: "Oh, shush Mom!"

Sunday, October 3, 2010

Speech Lesson

Jake and Lizzy were having a deep conversation. Here's a portion of that conversation:

Lizzy: "Oh, my dot."
Jake: "You mean 'I forgot.' For-got. Say it."
Lizzy: "Hmm.. that's too hard. How bout my just say 'my dot'."


Lizzy on the phone with Chrissy today:

Lizzy: "My cant hear you"
Chrissy: "Why?"
Lizzy: "My mom is too loud!"

For the record, I was just standing there!

Punky Brewster

Remember the show "Punky Brewster"? We have the dvd, but we don't really have to watch it. We have our very own Punky Brewster.... check out Lizzy's outfit today... this is what she wore to Lexi's basketball game....
 She wore tennis shoes to the game, but later changed into her favorite high heels. No, they don't match, but as Punky says, "I have two different feet, why shouldn't I have two different shoes?". Lizzy wore these to the grocery store, until her feet started hurting. Then she shopped barefoot.

Saturday, October 2, 2010

Not So Special

An over-tired Lizzy, after scratching a mosquito bite until it bled: "Why do mosquitoes like me so much?"
Me: "Because you're special, and you must taste good."
Lizzy: "No my want to be special."

Friday, October 1, 2010

Friday With Lizzy

  • Lizzy was watching cartoons in my bedroom while Morgan was eating breakfast. After about a half an hour, Lizzy came out to the kitchen and declared:  "It's so good watching tv without you guys. Watching tv with you guys is bad."
  • Lizzy: "Mom, you look so beautiful. My want to marry you. But you a girl and my a girl. We need one boy and one girl. Pretend you are a cowboy. Then we can get married."
  • Lizzy, while devouring her fifth piece of pizza "Mom, this is the best pizza you ever made." It was a frozen pepperoni pizza.... she may never make it as a food critique.
  • Lizzy is having a sleepover at her cousin Jorja's house tonight. She called me twice. Once to say "dudie" and once to have me talk to Jorja's dog.

The Entertainer

After taking the big kids to school this morning the little girls and I stopped at Starbucks for a Friday payday treat. The drive-thru line was all the way out to the street, so even though I hadn't showered, was wearing the grossest sweats I own and Morgan was still in her pajamas, we decided to go inside. Lizzy, by the way, was dressed to the nines. She was wearing a new peace sign skirt, peace sign shirt (Lexi's influence!) and her red cowboy hat.

While I was waiting for my coffee, Lizzy settled in at a table. She had brought a doll and a purse in too, and was busy getting things "organized".  When I got my coffee, I was trying to get her out the door, and she was causing a bit of a traffic jam. I apologized to an older couple that was staring at her, and looking a little peturbed.

I guess I mis-read their signals. The woman replied "Oh, she's fine. I'm enjoying watching her! She's very entertaining."

Amen, lady, amen. If nothing else, my Lizzy is very entertaining!