Friday, October 1, 2010

Friday With Lizzy

  • Lizzy was watching cartoons in my bedroom while Morgan was eating breakfast. After about a half an hour, Lizzy came out to the kitchen and declared:  "It's so good watching tv without you guys. Watching tv with you guys is bad."
  • Lizzy: "Mom, you look so beautiful. My want to marry you. But you a girl and my a girl. We need one boy and one girl. Pretend you are a cowboy. Then we can get married."
  • Lizzy, while devouring her fifth piece of pizza "Mom, this is the best pizza you ever made." It was a frozen pepperoni pizza.... she may never make it as a food critique.
  • Lizzy is having a sleepover at her cousin Jorja's house tonight. She called me twice. Once to say "dudie" and once to have me talk to Jorja's dog.

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