Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Barbie Girl

Lizzy is constantly fixing her hair. The other day, she got a ponytail holder stuck in her hair. That's when she decided the solution was easy = be a Barbie:

"I wish I was a Barbie. For it never hurts when they get their hair fixed."

A Thousand Kisses

Me, as I dropped the girls off at daycare: "Lizzy, can I have a kiss?"
Lizzy, from the other room, where she was already busy playing: "I have given you a thousand kisses. Why do you need another one?"

Friday, January 27, 2012

Photo Op

Lizzy, when I got the camera out tonight:

"Mom! Take a picture of me!"

So I did:

Cute, right?

I thought so.

I figured we were done "capturing the moment".

Not so much.

Lizzy: "Mom, hold on (a pause while she tilts her head) ok.. now take another one."

This was the result::
Lizzy's reaction: "Ah! My just knew that was gonna be a keeper!"

"When I'm old.."

Lizzy: "When I'm old, you know, like when I'm six..."

Wednesday, January 25, 2012


Lizzy: "Mom, do you remember?"
Me: "Um, remember what?"
Lizzy: "My will tell you soon, but are you remembering?"

FYI - she never did tell me what I was supposed to remember :-)

Friday, January 20, 2012

Spelling Lesson

Lizzy: "Mom, why did you name me Lizzy?"
Me: "I liked it. And Lexi used to watch a show with a girl named Lizzy, but she spelled it different. So we let Lexi pick how to spell your name. She picked L-i-z-z-y. And you know, the coolest people in our family spell their names with Y."
Lizzy: "Who else has a Y?"

Me: "I do!"
Lizzy: "Um, your name ends with an M... M-o-m."


Lizzy, explaining why the back scratcher is broken: "Um, I got sidetracked and thought it was food.


There were teeth marks in it.

It's In The Genes

Lizzy: "Mom, did you play soccer ball when you were a kid?"
Me: "Nope. I played basketball."
Lizzy: "Were you good?"
Me: "Yeah. I was ok."

Lizzy: "So will my be good at basketball? My was in your tummy, you know."


Lizzy, while eating her Happy Meal: "Mom, I'm eating and reading my instructions for my new toy. How cool is that?"

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Bedtime Conversation

Me: "Oh, Lizzy, let's just go to sleep. I'm tired"
Lizzy: "No thanks."
Me: "Why not? I love to sleep."

Lizzy: "Not me. I hate sleep. It's so boring."

Less than five minutes later, she rolled over and went to sleep :-)

"Meat Makes Farts"

Lizzy, explaining why Bob couldn't have any of the leftover meat after supper: "For meat makes farts. You don't want that do you? Nasty."

Sunday, January 15, 2012


Lizzy, while eating Laughing Cow cheese on crackers: "Wow. Whoever the cow is that made this cheese, she did a great job!"

This Little Butterfly...

Lizzy: "We learned a song in kid church today."
Me: "Really? Do you remember it?"
Lizzy, singing: "This little butterfly of mine.. I'm gonna let it shine..."

Jake, laughing: "I think you mean 'this little light', not butterfly."
Lizzy: "Well, my learned butterfly."

Saturday, January 14, 2012


Lizzy, while eating breakfast: "Mom, I can read."
Me: "Really?"
Lizzy: "Yep. Only cereal boxes. And not out loud."

Football Fan

Lizzy, while watching football with me: "Hey, was that a touchdown?"
Me: "Nope."
Lizzy: "Huh. Well, it was still cool. I guess I just learned I do like football!"

Friday, January 13, 2012

Family Communion

Lizzy: "Remember that cousin, the tall one, at the family communion?"
Me: "Um, do you mean family reunion?"
Lizzy, not phased by my correction: "Yes. At the family communion. What was her name?"

Sunday, January 8, 2012

The Creative One

Lizzy: "Did you see my fancy door knob?"
Me: "Yes, it is beautiful. I wonder who did it."
Lizzy, pointing at herself: "Um.. who's the creative one? This girl!"

Saturday, January 7, 2012

Special Requests

Lizzy, while I was reading a bedtime story: "Wait a minute."
Me: "Ok"
Lizzy, looking up: "Santa, my love you. And God, I really don't want to go to the bad place when I die. I want to go to heaven. I'll try to behave."

Friday, January 6, 2012


Lizzy, running into the kitchen to tattle: "Dad! Morgan turned on the tv and she's watching something in-appointment!"

In-appointment = inappropriate :-)

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Grocery Shopping

Lizzy has been dreaming of a "Chrissy and Lizzy" day all week.

Today, she got a little Chrissy time.

The two of them went grocery shopping.

I found this out when Chrissy posted this picture on Facebook (how did we spy on our daycare providers before there was Facebook and smartphones to check Facebook while working?):

I smiled when I saw this picture, because I knew Lizzy was in her glory having Chrissy all to herself. And I also smiled because I knew they were at "our" grocery store.

I asked if Lizzy introduced Chrissy to all her "friends" at the store - the free sample ladies and a couple of the checkers always get hugs when we're there. And if I ever go to the store alone, they ask where Lizzy is!

Turns out there were no hugs today, but on the way there Lizzy told Chrissy "we will probably see my mom here. She is always here."

And on the way out, Miss Lizzy recognized one of the workers.. andgave her a "good morning" and a big smile.

How can you not love this girl?

I especially love that Lizzy treats the people working at the grocery store like people, even as friends, not servants. So often we see people talk down to those who work at grocery stores, gas stations, restaurants, etc. It makes me sad. Those people are just trying to earn a living, and provide for their families. They're no different than we are.

And I'm so proud of my four year old for "getting" this!

And, for the record, I actually would love to be the free sample lady at the grocery store. Handing out free samples of apples and grapes would be a super fun job!


Lizzy has a big stuffed puppy named "Woof Woof".

She got it for her first birthday, and has slept with it ever since... except for those months poor Woof Woof got forgotten at the farm.

Now, when Woof Woof is missing, it's a pretty big deal.

Like when I was putting Lizzy to bed tonight:

Me: "Ok, one book and then it's time to go to sleep."
Lizzy: "But, where's Woof Woof?"
Me: "I think he's downstairs. Do you want to go get him quick?"

Lizzy: "Yes. Hold on."

Lizzy runs downstairs, comes back without Woof Woof.

Me: "Where's Woof Woof?"
Lizzy: "Just read. Fast. Or else the tears will come."

Tears - because she couldn't find Woof Woof.

No worries though.

Big sister Lexi to the rescue, and Lizzy went right to sleep... we didn't even finish the book :)

Tuesday, January 3, 2012


Lizzy was sitting on the couch.

She got up to get a book.

While she was up, Morgan stole her spot (which, in her defense, was a really good seat).

Lizzy: "Morgan! That's my spot!"
Morgan: "No!"
Me: "Lizzy, you got up. Move your feet lose your seat."
Lizzy: "Why? What is this? Share your seat with your sister day? If it is, I want it to be tomorrow."

Sunday, January 1, 2012

Front Row Seats

We slept in this morning, and thought we'd go to church at 6:30 tonight.

When we pulled into the parking lot, it was totally empty and the lights were off in the church.


There was no service this evening.

Lizzy, still not convinced there wasn't Mass: "Yay! We're the only ones here. We'll get front row seats for sure!"