Thursday, December 29, 2011

Skittle Pie

Loyal Lizzy-ism readers - this is the post you've been waiting for!

Let me refresh your memories with this post from September 30, 2010:

Morgan and I walked to the mailbox this afternoon. Lizzy was waiting in the driveway when we got back. Here's the conversation that followed:

Me: "Hello Lizzy!"
Lizzy: "My not Lizzy."
Me: "Who are you then? Lexi?"
Lizzy: "No me Lexi."
Me: "Hello, Jakey."
Lizzy: "No me Jakey."
Me: "Hello Bob."
Lizzy: "No me Bob."
Me: "Well who are you then, little girl?"
Lizzy: "My am Emily O!" (Emily O. is a friend of Lexi's)

Me: "Well hello Emily O!"
Lizzy: "Hello Emily O's mom. You making a pie. A Skittle pie. A sour Skittle pie."

Memo to self... get sour Skittle pie recipe from Emily O's mom.

Today, Emily O. and her mom came through. Big time. As I was cooking supper, the doorbell rang. It was Emily, her mom and her brother, delivering the most beautiful Skittle pie I've ever seen. Okay, so it was also the only Skittle pie I've ever seen, but it was still a thing of beauty. Check it out:
Just a few minutes ago, we finally sat down to taste the Skittle pie Lizzy has been dreaming about for over a year. She was nice enough to share with Lexi and Tess. They decided not to cut it, for fear of ruining the pie's beautifulness.

As for the pie's taste, well, let's just say that left a little to be desired:

Lizzy, after eating a couple of bites: "Eww.. my have to spit this out."
Lizzy, after running to the garbage can and spitting out the Skittle pie: "Wow. My am never eating that again. Because when I ate that one piece where the Skittles were, that was nasty!"

No worries though, Em and family - she is thrilled that you delievered a homemade pie. It really is the thought that counts.

But now what will I tease you about?

Lizzy, Emily O., and the most beautiful Skittle pie ever.
First taste of the Skittle pie!
Lizzy the food critic :-)

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