Thursday, December 15, 2011


Lizzy has suddenly become very aware of this blog.

Here are her instructions to me:

"Go online and delete the whole Lizzy-ism site. Tell everyone you're sorry, but there will be no more Lizzy-isms. Ever."

Should I stop?

If not, why should I keep writing them?

Help me out here.. i need some good, solid reasons so I can win the fight with Miss Lizzy!


  1. Tell her when she gets older she will enjoy reading them and will be proud that she was so entertaining.
    I personally enjoy her antics, but can also understand the fact that she may feel embarrassed or want privacy, has she said - why she wants it gone?

  2. Tell Lizzy that she makes a frustrated 3rd grade teacher smile. What would I do with out Lizzy? I'd go completely insane!

  3. Tell Lizzy they make her famous like one of her favorite characters. All princesses need some fame to go with the royalty.
