Monday, December 31, 2012

All Dressed Up

Lizzy, after I changed from jeans to sweats: "Where are you going all dressed up?"
Maybe in 2013 I should work on my fashion sense....or at least teach my kid what "dressed up" means.....

Saturday, December 22, 2012

Best Note Ever

Lizzy brought this note from the school secretary home.
She apparently found some money and turned it into the office.
No further explanation necessary - other than Lizzy is awesome:

A Zoo

Brad and the big kids were getting ready to go to Wal-Mart this afternoon. Lizzy really wanted to go with.
Me: "Lizzy it's going to be so busy there. It will be a zoo. You don't want to go."
Lizzy: "Well now I really want to go. I want to see the animals!"

Wednesday, December 19, 2012

"Fix Me Up"

Just as I was pulling into the parking lot at work after my lunch break today, my cell phone rang.
It was the school.
Lizzy's eye was hurting her - she had complained four times before they gave in and called me.
The secretary put Lizzy on the phone with me.
Me: "What's wrong?"
Lizzy: "My eye just really, really hurts."
Me: "Like pink eye?"
Lizzy: "No, but it hurts. Can you come look at it?"
Me: "Um, I just got back to work. It's only two hours until school is out. Can you last that long?"
Lizzy: "I don't think so."
Me: "Did you have the school nurse look at it?"
Lizzy: "She's not here today."
Me: "Did the secretary look at it?"
Lizzy: "Yes. That's why she called you."
Me: "Are you sure you can't make it two hours?"
Lizzy: "I don't think so."
Me, getting frustrated: "Well what do you want me to do?"
Lizzy: "Can you just please come here and fix me up?"
How could I say no to that?
I turned around and drove to school (which I had just driven by ten minutes earlier on my way back to work).
When I got there, her eye looked fine.
Turns out, all she needed was a hug from her mom.
I'm so glad I took a long lunch and gave her that hug!

Tuesday, December 18, 2012

A Bad Dream

Lizzy, as she came running into my room very early this morning: "Mom, I just had a really bad dream."
Me: "Oh no. What was it?"
Lizzy: "That Mary didn't love me anymore."
Me: "Oh honey. That's ridiculous. Everyone loves you. You're sweet like sugar. And who doesn't love sugar?"
Lizzy: "People who are allergic to sugar don't love it."

Monday, December 17, 2012


Lizzy, while reading her paper in church: "Hey, my name is on here! Wait.. it should be an 'f' at the end, not a 'th', right?"
Me: "Um, why?"
Lizzy: "Because I'm Elizabef!"

Deep Thoughts

Lizzy, at bedtime, begging me to lay down with her: "I am never moving out."
Me: "Ok."
Lizzy: "So can you lay down with me? And start my CD over."
Me: "Ok."
Lizzy, hugging me: "I just can't let go."
Me: "That's awesome. But if you're never moving out, we have many years of hugs."
Lizzy: "Ok, but what if you die?"
Me: "Oh honey.. I don't think God is ready for me. There are a lot of things I still need to see. I need to see my daughter's get married, get great jobs, and maybe win a state championship or two."
Lizzy: "I wonder what I'll be when I grow up."
Me: "I think you'll entertain people in some way."
Lizzy: "Oh, like a nurse maybe!"
Me: "Um, sure!"

Friday, December 14, 2012


Lizzy, looking at a Christmas book: "Look! They're in Bethle-town!"