Monday, March 21, 2011

Mood Polish

Last night I painted Lexi and Lizzy's fingernails. Lizzy chose a pretty pink. It was a "mood" polish, guaranteed to change color with your mood.

Today, Lizzy put her nail polish to the test.

She threw a fit when we were leaving daycare. She refused to put her coat on, stomped out of the house and when I got outside informed me she wasn't going.

This isn't my first time dealing with a crabby child. I kept my cool. I buckled Morgan in, climbed into the driver's seat, started the van, buckled my seatbelt, checked my phone.... I was killing time, waiting for her to change her mind and come running to the van.

She didn't move.

So, I did what any good mother would do.

I backed out of the driveway and started driving away.

I got about a car's length away from the driveway when Lizzy got up from her seat, put her coat on, and started walking toward the van. She climbed in and told me what was going on.

"Mom, my wasn't really angry. I was just trying to change my mood from happy to angry to see if my nail polish changed colors."

In case you're wondering, it didn't change colors.

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