Sunday, November 21, 2010

Anonymous Artwork

Artwork on top of the fridge
Most people hang their children's artwork on the fridge. Apparently, at my house, we make artwork right on the fridge, even on teh top, where no child should be able to reach.

I discovered this "artwork" on top of the fridge this morning... someone took an Elmo stamp and stamped red Elmos all over the top of the fridge. I assume it was Lizzy, but she didn't confess during my interrogation;

Me: "Lizzy, there are Elmo stamps all over the fridge. Did you do that?"
Lizzy: "Nope. Wasn't me."
Me: "Really? Who could have done it then?"
Lizzy: "My don't know. Maybe Lexi?"


  1. how did you ever see that up there????

  2. I'm tall :-) And I was digging in the cupboard above the fridge when I noticed it!
