Saturday, November 20, 2010

A Day in the Life of Lizzy

It's been quite a day with Miss Lizzy...
  • Lexi and I explained to Lizzy how she needs to behave, because Santa is watching. As we walked through Hobby Lobby, we kept reminding her of this, and that she should be good so she gets on the nice list, not the naughty list. Lizzy's response: "My don't want to be on  any list."
  • At the grocery store, she was trailing behind us. I wasn't sure where she was, until I heard "Elizabeth!". Lizzy was yelling at herself.
  • Lizzy is a pretty loyal fan when it comes to her brother and sister. At Jake's basketball game this morning, she figured out he is number six. From the stands, for the entire game, at the top of her lungs, she cheered: "Go number six! Go Jakey! Number six! Number six!"
  • This afternoon Lexi and I were laying on the living room floor. We told Lizzy she was in charge. She covered us with blankets, and told us it was nap time. Lexi kicked me and I pretended to cry. Lizzy stroked my face and comforted me by saying "That ok. She does that. She is mean."
  • Lexi and I were singing in the van. Lizzy yelled at us: "Be quiet! For Morgan is trying to sleep!"
  • We rented movies tonight.... "Boo-ya! My got Toy Story Three! What is Toy Story Mom?"
  • Jake and Lizzy were talking about what they will be when they grow up. Jake told LIzzy she will probably be a troublemaker and work at McDonalds. She said "No. My not gonna be a troublemaker. My gonna be a cheerleader!"

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